Watering Seed Instructions

There are several forms of seed to soil contact. Your lawn may have received a spot seeding, spike seeding, core aeration, thatching or a deep fraction. All serve a different purpose depending on the type of damage, soil profile and history of turf. The one most questioned service is when we used the scratch manthis. This machine incorporates the seed into the dead area of your lawn and leaves a layer of grass that acts as a seed bed for germination. Mowing service can go over these areas without picking up the seed that is incorporated into the soil below.

Even though this is temporarily unsightly it produces good results.

Questions Often Asked After Seeding

Q. How can I help?

A. Water daily keeping seed beds moist for 4-6 weeks or longer and keep
unnecessary traffic off seeded areas.

Q. Can my lawn be cut?

A. Yes, with millions of seeds per pound the lawn mower cannot displace enough
seed to effect the outcome.

Q. I do not see many seeds.

A. The seeds that are mixed in the soil or dropped into holes are the ones we
don’t see and give Best results.

Q. I do not see the seeds germinating.

A. Seed germination is dependent upon water, heat, light and variety of seed.
Most seeds you will not notice for 20 to 45 days unless you are on your hands
and knees.

Q. I see birds and will they eat my seeds?

A. Yes but at one to two million seeds per pound they will not eat enough to
affect the outcome.

Please be patient. The results will be there. We applied the Best seed in today’s market.