Tree Anchoring Manasquan NJ

Tree Anchoring Manasquan NJ
Tree Anchoring Manasquan NJ

Tree Anchoring Manasquan NJ

Open Year-Round Since 1983! Call Today!! 732.683.1212

Best Tree and Shrub has installed thousands of cables in the New Jersey area trees since 1983 servicing Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex Counties. Our uniformed staff is highly trained and seasoned in this area and we properly install more cables and anchors each year than any other company.

Tree Cabling

Cabling trees is generally done to tie in either limbs that are overextended (too long and heavy), or to tie in large limbs in the upper canopy to support weak or split main crotches. Cables are almost always installed in conjunction with canopy thinning to reduce the end weight of large horizontal sections. Sometimes, come-alongs are also used to help pull together split crotches so the cables can be properly tied in. Often with split trees, (although not always necessary) threaded through-bolts are installed through the split crotch for added support.

Tree Anchoring

These are galvanized metal bolts, with a fully enclosed ‘welded’ eye and are installed right through the limb to be supported. A hole is drilled through the limbs at exactly the right angle and then the bolt is slid through the limb. After the bolt is in place, a washer and a nut is then put into place on the back side of the limb. This practice makes for a very solid and permanent anchor solution that will not pull out of the tree or rust. Nor will it interfere with the natural expansion of the limb. Additionally, the ring on the inside will not break. With cheaper hardware, often the ring is not a welded eye and the cable pulls out during the first storm.

The Best Tree Straightening, Anchoring & Cabling Service in Ocean, Monmouth And Middlesex County New Jersey

N.J. Tree & Turf Business License No. 96718A

N.J.H.I.C. No. 13VH00564800