Our snow property management covers Monmouth, Middlesex and Ocean Counties. We track incoming storm events 48 hours out, alerting and preparing our team of snow fighters in advance so your property and parking lots will be clear and safe for your.
Sidewalk Snow Removal Cleaning Service NJ!
Keeping walkways and steps clear from ice and snow insures safe passage for both employees and visitors. Best Snow Removal works 24/7 during snow storms to keep your sidewalks clear and safe, scheduling return visits when storm systems continually dump snow and freezing rain.
Our team of snow fighters has the manpower and tools for cleaning snow from sidewalks. Armed with snow tractors mounted with plows, blowers and power sweepers, our crews get the job done in an efficient and timely manner.
Calcium Chloride for Snow and Ice Control
Calcium Chloride
Concrete and Plant Friendly. At 25F (-4C), rock salt takes a full 19 minutes to embed in ice and hard-packed snow. Our calcium chloride solution, immediately digs in and holds a close pattern on your concrete surface even when temperatures drop down to 0F (-18C). WOur method reduces the need for frequently repeated applications, decreasing material use by as much as 40%. Besides saving you money, Calcium Chloride guarantees no deterioration or pitting on concrete.
Sand And Salt for Snow and Ice Control
Blacktop Application. Sand/Salt help to melt ice by decreasing the freezing temperature of the water. Pure water freezes at 32 degrees F, but a 20% solution of ice drops the freezing point to almost 0 degrees F. However, to work on the ice, the salt must end up in a water solution. This can happen when sunlight, traffic friction, or heat in the pavement melts some of the ice, or by the salt attracting water from the atmosphere. Sand and other abrasive materials work by improving traction over ice. Friction may melt the ice, but this is an incidental addition to the functionality.
We offer a full range of deicing materials and services applicable to your properties’ needs to keep those walkways and steps safe and accessible for the duration of the storm and beyond.