Lawn Fertilization Monmouth, Middlesex, and Ocean Counties

Lawn Fertilization Monmouth, Middlesex, and Ocean Countiesbesturfsmall


The number one thing to do for your lawn in New Jersey is feed it with the proper fertilizers. This will not only make it healthier, but it also strengthens its root system so it can combat heat, drought, cold, foot traffic, mowing, etc. It’s important to feed your lawn several times a year, and its very important to make sure that you do it properly. The only way to be sure that you are feeding it properly is to take a soil test and that will guide you properly. Firstly the soil test will not only tell you the nutrients that the soil needs to allow your lawn to thrive but it will tell you if the testaments that you are applying will ever reach the plant. Over feeding your lawn can cause just as much damage as underfeeding it. We’re the number one expert of lawn fertilization and turf care in Monmouth, Middlesex, and Ocean counties. Let us handle your lawn and it’ll be the best on the block, even in winter.

full service lawn linkWHEN AND HOW TO FERTILIZE YOUR LAWN !  Since 1983, at BEST TURF CARE, we have carefully developed a system of lawn care fertilization and the proper care that is guaranteed to produce results.  Unlike other lawn fertilization companies, we look at every detail of your property, soil type and make up, site conditions, tree roots, house position to the sun, landscaping, lawn type,  and lawn age in order to customize a plan that will make your grass green & healthy. 

liming your lawn tipsAs a general rule, we suggest this schedule: Fertilize lightly in spring and early summer, little to none in summer, and heavily in fall. A heavy fall fertilization program produces the healthiest turf throughout the year. Applying high rates of nitrogen in spring and summer stimulates excess leaf growth at the expense of root growth. This forces you to mow more often and reduces turf quality. High rates applied in spring and summer can also stimulate disease, weed, and insect activity.

Here are some tips we can offer for understanding lawn fertilization:
The Amount of Fertilizer Can Vary
The amount of lawn fertilizer that should be applied annually depends on a number of factors.
  1. Homeowner desires: A dense, dark green lawn requires more fertilizer than a thinner, lighter colored lawn. Applying more fertilizer annually also means more mowing and irrigation. (Note that over application of fertilizer can also lead to more nutrients leaching to groundwater or in runoff to surface waters.)
  2. Location: More fertilizer is needed to maintain the same turf quality in the warmer regions than in the colder regions because the longer growing season.
  3. Species: Certain types of zoysia, buffalo grass, or tall fescue require less annual fertilizer than species such as Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass.
  4. Weather: Wet weather stimulates growth and requires more fertilizer than dry weather. The same is true for an irrigated lawn vs. a non-irrigated one.
  5. Soil type: Turf-grasses grown on a very sandy or very heavy soil requires more fertilization than on a silt loam soil.
  6. Age and quality of existing lawn: New lawns need more fertilizer for the first few years to enhance density as does rebuilding a neglected or thin lawn.
