Archive for Category: Tips

Tips to help you deal with mosquitoes

Here are some tips to help you deal with mosquitoes: 1. **Use insect repellent:** Apply an insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin when you’re outdoors, especially during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. 2. **Wear appropriate clothing:** Wear long-sleeved shirts,...

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Why You Should Winterize Your Sprinkler System This Fall

Fall is in full swing, with winter right around the corner. You likely have stopped using your sprinkler system long before now, but do you just leave it that way? Do you really need to go through the process of winterizing? The answer is yes! It’s not too late...

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4 essential spring lawn care tasks

With spring on our doorstep, many homeowners are looking forward to spending time in their yards — but not before doing some spring cleanup. Clean up debris Use a rake to remove dead leaves, sticks, twigs and matted grass. If left on the ground, this layer of plant detritus...

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How to get that thick, lush healthy grass

(BPT) – Have you ever been on a golf course or watched a tournament on TV and thought, “How do I get my lawn that green?” While thick, lush, healthy grass takes some strategy (and time), it is possible to achieve at home with some tips and tricks from...

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Mosquito Control Yorketown NJ

Surprising ways you might be attracting mosquitoes

These days you’re probably enjoying your outdoor spaces more than ever — and looking for ways to make them more comfortable, relaxing and fun for your family and friends when you get together. On top of upgrading your deck or patio, sprucing up your landscaping, and investing in some...

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Tick Outlook Monmouth County NJ 2021

Tick Outlook Monmouth County NJ 2021 Ticks can be nuisances (no one wants to have to tweezer a tick off their skin, or their child’s skin, or a pet’s), and due to the diseases they carry, then can be real threats to human health. What’s worse is that...

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Lawn Fertilizer Tinton Falls NJ

Spring awakening: 5 expert tips to renew your lawn

As a homeowner, now is the perfect time to start thinking about lawn care again. Spring is your first — and best — opportunity to get your outdoor living space in top shape for the warmer months ahead. And depending on where you live in the U.S., that window...

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How to Keep Mosquitoes Away

Those itchy bumps from run-of-the-mill mosquito bites — well, they suck. And with the Zika virus in the news, you can add anxiety to the fun. While the risk is much smaller here than in South America, the type 
of mosquito potentially capable of transmitting the virus is in...

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